End Captivity and Slavery of Life and Nature

#Triund Hill views…Dear Friends we seek your SUPPORT to END Slavery of #Dolphins and #Orcas beside other SeaLife and WildLife. 

Triund Hill  Views

It’ll be really great if you sign and share this Petition of Richard O’Barry in his Ric O’Barry’s Dolphin Project

Sign the Petition here http://dolphinproject.org/blog/post/how-rude

This is about stopping SeaWorld form entering India

#SeaWorld has planned to open it’s branch in India and since most of us are not aware of #Blackfish and #TheCove..it is a good opportunity for SeaWorld but we don’t want any more of Circus things in India, we already have more of circus things..and Cetaceans are more Intelligent and social than Humans so at least they should be Live Free.


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